
The International Conference and PhD-Master Summer School

"Graphs and Groups, Complexity and Convexity" (G2C2)

August 11-25, 2024, Shijiazhuang, China


We organise the International Conference and PhD-Master Summer School "Graphs and Groups, Complexity and Convexity", which belongs to the G2-series of international conferences and summer schools. Since 2014, the G2-events were held in Russia, China, and Slovenia (see history of G2 for details).

G2C2-2024 aims to cover modern aspects of graph theory, group theory, complexity theory, convexity theory, and their connections.

All scientific activities will take place at the School of Mathematical Sciences of Hebei Normal University (see Baidu maps and Google maps) on August 12-24, 2024 (August 11 is the day to arrive and August 25 is the day to leave, that is, there will be no activities on these days).

The official language of the event is English.

The program of the event includes 50-minute plenary talks, 25-minute contributed talks and minicourses.

Plenary speakers:

    Aida Abiad (Eindhoven University of Technology): Eigenvalue bounds for the independence and chromatic number of graph powers and their applications, abstract

    Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein (Universita del Sannio): First-order model theory, surjunctivity, and Kaplansky's stable finiteness conjecture, abstract

    Xujin Chen (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences): Graphical characterizations for excluding informational Braess' paradox, abstract

    Bart De Bruyn (Ghent University): Divisible design graphs from symplectic graphs, abstract

    Willem Haemers (Tilburg University): Proving spectral uniqueness of graphs, abstract

    Ferdinand Ihringer (Southern University of Science and Technology): On Boolean degree 1 functions (Cameron-Liebler sets) in finite vector spaces, abstract

    Alexander Ivanov (Institute for System Analysis): The Thompson group: opening a path to modern group theory, abstract

    Yifan Jing (Ohio State University): Measure doubling for small sets in SO(3,ℝ), abstract

    Gyula O.H. Katona (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics): Minimum number of disjoint pairs in a uniform family of subsets, abstract

    Kolja Knauer (Universitat de Barcelona): Complexes of oriented matroids and their tope graphs, abstract

    Jack Koolen (University of Science and Technology of China): Recent progress in distance-regular graphs, abstract

    Denis Krotov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics): Multispreads and additive intriguing sets in Hamming graphs, abstract

    Caiheng Li (Southern University of Science and Technology): Group actions, symmetrical graphs, and edge-transitive maps, abstract

    Jie Ma (University of Science and Technology of China): Exact results on traces of sets, abstract

    Akihiro Munemasa (Tohoku University): Flag-transitive 3-design from the action of PSL(2,q) on the projective line, abstract

    Andrei Vesnin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics & Tomsk State University): On Yamada polynomials of spatial graphs and polynomials of related knots, abstract

    Wei Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University): On the generalized spectral characterizations of graphs, abstract

    Qing Xiang (Southern University of Science and Technology): Storage codes on triangle-free graphs, abstract

    Lei Yu (Nankai University): Hypercontractive inequalities and their extensions, abstract

    Zhao Zhang (Zhejiang Normal University): From seven bridge to sweep cover, abstract

    Sanming Zhou (University of Melbourne): The second largest eigenvalue of Cayley graphs, abstract

    Yue Zhou (National University of Defense Technology): On the packing density of Lee spheres, abstract

    Chuanming Zong (Tianjin University): Can you tile the space better than trivial?, abstract


    Eiichi Bannai (Kyushu University): An overview on design theory - explicit constructions of designs and the classification problems of tight designs, syllabus

    Imre Bárány (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics): Combinatorial convexity, syllabus

    Sergei Lando (Higher School of Economics & Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology): Invariants of graphs, embedded graphs, delta-matroids, and permutations, syllabus

    Hong Liu (Institute for Basic Science): TBA

Organising committee:

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