
The International Conference and PhD-Master Summer School

"Graphs and Groups, Complexity and Convexity" (G2C2)

August 11-25, 2024, Shijiazhuang, China


The registration includes one basic step and several optional steps marked with '+'. We kindly ask you to write a separate email for each step you need.

To register please send an email with subject 'Registration' and containing your given name, family name, country, city, affiliation, position and phone number to by June 1st, 2024.

 +If you need a visa to China for G2C2 please send a separate email with subject 'Visa' to containing your personal information (please see the form below) and a scanned copy of your id/passport in the attachment so that we could prepare an invitation letter for you. If you travel with an accompanying person who needs a visa to China, you are welcome to send the personal information of the accompanying person as well.


Given name/names:
Family name:
Date of birth: DD.MM.YYYY
Document (country, type, number):
Affiliation and position:
Address of your institution:
Date when you enter China: DD.MM.YYYY
Date when you leave China: DD.MM.YYYY

 +If you need assistance in booking your accommodation, please have a look at our suggestions in Accommodation, write an email with subject 'Accommodation' to by June 1st, 2024 and specify the dates of your staying (note that August 11 is the day to arrive and August 25 is the day to leave, that is, there will be no activities on these days). Note that the organisers will cover the accommodation of all students in twin rooms (shared with another participant). However, due to the limited capacity of the lecture room, we can host only at most 60 students (the priority will be given to those students who request the coverage of their accommodation first). If you are a student, please explicitly mention this in your message (as well as your gender) and request the coverage of your accommodation.

 +If you want to contribute a talk, please prepare your one-page abstract with the template. Then send an email with subject 'Abstract' and provided with '.tex' file to by June 1st, 2024. Please note that we have only 32 time slots (25 minutes each) for contributed talks. If the number of submitted abstracts will exceed 32, we will need to select 32 of them. The confirmation email about the acceptance of the abstracts will be sent by June 10th, 2024.

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